Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Time Management

Superintendent News & Views
Time Management
By David Hill, North Tama Superintendent

We all have access to the same 24 hours each day, yet it seems some people can get so much more done than others. Are you often late to school, work, appointments, or class?  Are you usually the last one to arrive at practices and meetings?  Do you typically finish assignments at the last minute?  Do you often feel like you have too much to do, and do you wish you had more time for the things you want to do?  If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, now is the time to work on improving your time management skills. 
The beginning of a new school year is an ideal time to think about effective time management.  The new school year started on August 23, and this year will provide our students with numerous opportunities to practice their time management skills.  Learning to master time management will give you more time for everything you NEED to do, which will hopefully leave you more time for the things you WANT to do. 
The following ideas are provided by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.  You’re likely to see a difference even if you implement just a few of the tips below.  The result will be reduced stress levels and a greater feeling of control…which may lead to your best school year yet!  Consider implementing as many of these ideas as possible:
MAKE TO-DO LISTS: Each day, make a list of all the things you need to do.  You may consider prioritizing the list or categorizing each item as to whether it needs to be done today, in the next few days, or someday.  Cross things off as they get done, and revisit the list often. 
PLAN: Use a planner to keep track of assignments, tests, appointments, and due dates.  You can use digital planner on your smart phone, a Google calendar on your computer or tablet, or an old-fashioned paper planner…just select one and use it faithfully. 
PREPARE: Get everything ready for the next day before you go to bed.  Once each week – perhaps each Sunday night, consider your schedule for the week.  If it doesn’t look like you can realistically get it all done, think about what items are the lowest priority and arrange for those things to wait until a future time. 
COMBINE TASKS: For example, study while you’re doing laundry or review your notes while you’re waiting for a ride. 
LOOK FOR WASTED TIME:  Social media, TV, and video games can all be huge time wasters.  Schedule smaller chunks of time for these activities and stick to your schedule.  Think about how you can use the time you gain in a more effective way.
CREATE ROUTINES: A good morning and nighttime routine can save you time and will help your day run more smoothly. 
William Penn once said, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”  I hope the information and ideas provided in this column will help you to use as least some of your time in a more effective way.  It is my hope that these tips will help the new school year be your best year yet! 
I encourage your feedback on this column, along with any questions you may have. You are welcome to visit my blog at where you can read all of my columns and leave comments if you wish. You are also welcome to follow me on Twitter, where my handle is @DavidRobertHill

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