North Tama Board of Education
Monday, July 20, 2020
7:00 p.m. - Jr. High Commons
NOTE: Attendees are asked to maintain a 6 foot separation from others before, during, and after this meeting. Face coverings are welcome and encouraged, but not required. Attendance may be limited to allow for social distancing. Attendance will be monitored, and if/when the room capacity is reached, subsequent attendees will be given instructions on how to observe the meeting via telephone. Some Board members may participate via conference call as per Iowa Code Section 21.8 which permits a governmental body to conduct a meeting by electronic means.
A public forum will not be held due to the limited room capacity. Patrons wishing to address the board may do so in writing by emailing no later than 6:55 p.m. on Monday, July 20.
Click HERE to view the complete agenda.